Women's Health

womens healthOur approach is to provide friendly, practical and confidential advice in all aspects of fertility, birth control and sexual health for women.  We support our patients to make informed decisions to stay healthy and safe.

We have a number of doctors that have a special interest in Women’s Health, Dr Maria Murphy, Dr. Sandra Clare, Dr Niamh O'Doherty and Dr. Yasmin O'Loughlin.

All of our doctors can provide advice and management on a range of issues including the following:

  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Fertility Advice
  • Family Planning
  • Sexual Health & Wellbeing

Details of specific items provided below:

We are strong advocates for preventative medicine and encourage all women between the ages of 25 and 65 to ensure they registered with Cervical Screening and to make an appointment for a cervical screening test when your test is due.  learn more about Cervical Screening

Cervical Screening

Cervical Screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cancer.  Whilst not a test for cancer itself, it checks the health of your cervix to identify early cell changes and help prevent cancer from developing.

Gorey Medical Centre is registered with Cervical Check, the National Cervical Screening Programme. Once you are registered with Cervical Check, free cervical smears can be provided to women aged between the ages of 25 and 60. 

Contraception Advice

We offer a range of contraceptive options and counselling on the devices most suitable for each individual having the least side effects and that is right for your stage of life.  You need to book an initial consultation with the doctor in the first instance to discuss the contraceptive device that would best suit you. Options that you may way to consider include


Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is a good option for people who might not want to have to remember their contraception every day .  LARC will stop you from getting pregnant for a number of months or years. There are two main types of LARC that you can use:

Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual disorders are problems that affect a woman's normal menstrual cycle. They include painful cramps during menstruation, abnormally heavy bleeding, or not having any bleeding. Menstruation occurs during the years between puberty and menopause. Menstruation, also called "menses" or a "period," is the monthly flow of blood from the uterus through the cervix and out through the vagina.

Pregnancy, Ante Natal & Post Natal Care

The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme provides all women with six / seven routine scheduled antenatal visits during your pregnancy, a two-week check for your baby and a six-week check for you and your baby. Please note that these appointments are for pregnancy related issues only.

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed you will be asked to complete a Form to enable the practice register you for the Scheme and process the claims on your behalf.

Further information regarding the scheme can be found (link here).